Lights from the Underground

Formerly known as Root-to-Rise

Lights from the Underground is a free, bi-weekly(ish) newsletter where I explore the intersections of creativity, belonging, and post-traumatic growth.

Some things you’ll find there:

  • personal story-telling and creative essays

  • practical info about trauma healing and embodiment

  • inspiration and invitations to attune to the creative field within and around you

  • insights from my own creative, somatic, and contemplative practices

In my professional life, I mostly wear the hats of Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) and Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator (TCTSY-F). But in Lights from the Underground, those roles will often take a backseat to my inner creative, artist, writer, and ordinary-human-self. I want to explore post-traumatic growth not only as a trauma professional but also as an fellow human walking (sometimes stumbling) along the path.*

My professional roles are still along for the ride and will have plenty to say, but I hope to keep this sanctuary spacious enough to hold more of my humanity—in all it’s sensitivity, imperfection, and wildness.

I hope it inspires you to embody more of your sensitivity, imperfection, and wildness too.

*If we collaborate together in SE or TCTSY spaces, feel free to decide whether experiencing me outside of those specific roles feels like a good fit. You are welcome here for as long as you want, and you can unsubscribe at any time, no questions asked.

And if you’d rather just get concise, infrequent updates about my latest offerings, you could sign-up for my Mailchimp newsletter instead.