Your body already holds the wisdom.

It just needs the right support.

Hi—My name is Elena Mamatas, and I’m a somatic practitioner specializing in PTSD and complex trauma.

My work is rooted in the belief that healing is possible and that it starts with feeling safe and supported. I understand that trauma is a natural response to overwhelming experiences, and with the right approach, can be renegotiated and resolved.


Here’s what I offer:


Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY)

TCTSY is an evidence-based treatment for treatment-resistant PTSD resulting from complex trauma. Developed by leading experts in the field of trauma at the Trauma Center in Brookline, MA, TCSTY has foundations in trauma theory, attachment theory, neuroscience, and Hatha yoga.

I offer group TCTSY online and in person, and integrate many elements of this practice in private sessions.

Somatic Experiencing (SE)

SE is a body-based trauma healing framework that helps repair the chronic nervous system dysregulation that results from both trauma and the cumulative impacts of chronic stress. SE builds your capacity to tolerate sensations & triggers without becoming dysregulated, and supports the completion of stress response cycles that remain stuck on over-drive as a result of trauma.