Trauma Sensitive Yoga in Greenfield, MA
Tuesday Series

6 Weeks
Tuesdsays, June 4-July 16
No class on July 2
4:30-5:30 PM
Community Yoga, Greenfield

Trauma sensitive yoga is a thoughtfully curated practice where you are invited to move, breathe, and connect to your body while moving through a gentle mat-based yoga practice.

In this non-judgmental practice space, you are welcome to explore movements at the pace of your choice. There is never any pressure to achieve the “correct alignment” as we move through various asanas or yoga forms. Rather, you will always be offered choices for ways you might engage with each form, and you’ll be offered many gentle reminders that there is no way to do this practice wrong. Everything is always optional, and taking breaks, skipping things, and doing things your way is warmly welcome.

As we practice tuning into our present-moment, body-based experience, the possibility emerges for making the movement choices that truly feel best or right to you. In this way, each of becomes the ultimate authority and expert of our own personal practice.

Although this practice is designed with trauma in mind, we don’t talk about trauma during these sessions. Rather, this space is all about exploring what it’s like to move, sense, and have agency over our bodies. You always get to be fully in control of your own practice (there are no hands on assists).

You do not need any previous yoga experience to take part, nor do you need to consider yourself flexible.

This series uses Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) methodology. TCTSY is an evidence-based adjunctive treatment designed especially for complex trauma which you can read more about here.


Sliding Scale:
$90-120 for the full 6 week series

Elena Mamatas (RYT-500 & TCTSY-F)

Body-based modalities like trauma sensitive yoga have the potential to powerfully support those of us who have experienced trauma. That has been the case in my own life, and I’ve become deeply passionate about sharing these transformative tools with others. As a certified Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, it is my great joy to create spaces where people can reconnect to their bodies and themselves in a way that feels safe and supported.

You can read more about me and my work here.

Interested in attending or learning more?

Step 1
For those that are new to practicing trauma sensitive yoga with me:

In order to make this space truly trauma sensitive, each participant is asked to setup a brief 10-15 minute phone call with me prior to joining the group. The call is an opportunity for me to answer your questions, share a little bit of information about the practice, and to confidentially hear anything about you that you want me to know about you. There is absolutely no pressure to share anything you don’t want to share. There is also no pressure to decide on the spot whether or not you’d like to join. Rather, the call is an opportunity for you get all the information you need to help you decide whether this practice feels like a good fit.

Step 2
For those who’ve already completed the introductory call with me before:

Feel free to complete your registration by making the sliding scale payment of your choice.

Other questions?